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Straight Wall (Double Wythe Wall)

Exploded view

Assembly view

Step 1. Install the layout units.

Note: You have several options:

Option A: You can utilize F-Joints and b-Joints to interlock one wall to the other enhancing the wall performance.

Option B: You can utilize straight Joints instead of the F-Joint and b-Joint pair and keep both wall separated.

Option C: You can use utilize straight Joints and intercalate the F-Joint and b-Joint.

Step 2. Install the first brick of Layer 1 (a J-Joint in this case).

Step 3. Interlock the second brick of Layer 1 (an L-Joint in this case).

Note: Press firmly down until the top surface of the block interlocking module (Joint) of the second brick is flush with the adjacent brick. You can also use a dual head rubber hammer (mallet) to carefully drive down the dovetail shaped legs of the new brick into their female counter parts.

Step 4. Finish Layer 1.

Step 5. Install the first brick of Layer 2 (a C-Joint in this case).

Step 6. Finish Layer 2.

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